On Demand Learning

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On Demand Learning
On this page you can access New Annex courses as well as Felting Eweniveristy and PhFD tutorials.
When you purchase a course on the Annex you will have instant access to the course material. You are able to stream the video tutorials or download the video files (or both, if you wish!) There is no end date or course cutoff for On Demand courses. You will have access to the course in your Annex Learning Library for as along as the internet and the learning platform exists!
2D Highland Cow Eweniversity Course
The 2D Highland Cow Eweniversity Course is the first 2D Annex Course from Sarafina Fiber Art. Explore painting with fiber as Sara walks you through a variety of painting techniques, completing a dynamic 2D piece with depth and texture. Some 2D experience will allow for more success with this course.
View the 2D Highland Cow Course overview here.
This course is for level 3 felters and above, priced at $115.
Female Face and Figure Course: Philosophy of Felting Doctorate
The Female Face and Figure Course will help us learn anatomical details and needle felting techniques while sculpting a 15" female figure. We will explore armature, proportions, and useful tools, and gain an understanding of necessary shapes and details for our sculptures. This course is a Level 4.
View the Female Face and Figure Course overview here.
This course is for level 4 felters and above, priced at $165.
Moose Eweniversity Course
Moose are a unique and exaggerated animal which makes them a challenging but fun project. Throughout this Felting Eweniversity Level 4 Course, we will learn more about the moose, their habits, and features as we create our sculptures. This course will provide you with a thorough framework from armature to finishing details. The moose is perfect stretch for the Level 3 Felter to move to Level 4: going bigger on the armature and learning cloven hoof, antler, and shingling techniques, not to mention all those toes and tendons! Our moose will be approximately 10" at his withers.
View the Moose Eweniversity Course overview here.
This course is for level 4 felters and above, priced at $115.

Rhino Eweniversity Course
Rhinos are a unique and intriguing presence on earth. We will learn more about the white rhino, their habits, and their features as we create our sculptures. This course will provide you with a thorough framework from armature to finishing details. Over the course we will make a needle felted White Rhino with a wet felted skin that is approximately 11" long and 8" at his shoulder. We will explore proportions, problem areas, and gain understanding of anatomy, necessary shapes, and details.
View the Rhino Eweniversity Course overview here.
This course is for level 4 felters and above, priced at $115.

Hound and Dog Eweniversity (+) Course
Join us here to em-bark on the Hound and Dog Course. Our goal is to give you tools for your approach to dogs of all breeds through the creation of the hound sculpture and additional support material. The course takes you step by step through the hound project with three additional dog breed armatures as well as overview of various breed characteristics. As we know, dogs are all shapes, sizes, colors, and characteristics. It's impossible to cover the array in one course. But hopefully, after this course, you will feel that you have bound ahead in your ability to needle felt dogs beyond the hound.
View the Hound course overview here.
This is a Level 3 and above course, priced at $140.
There is also a Hound Supply Pack available here.

Horse Course: Philosophy of Felting Doctorate
Horses are one of the most challenging and rewarding sculptures. Their specific shapes and traits take some effort to understand and portray, especially in wool. I am still learning with every sculpture. This course will provide you with a thorough framework that has grown from a lifetime of effort and inspection. Over the course we will make a 9-10" (at the withers) needle felted horse. This is about 1/6 scale. We will explore proportions, common misconceptions and problem areas, and gain understanding of anatomy, necessary shapes, and details. You will have access to a materials list as well as all reference materials and video tutorials once you have registered. This course is for Level 4 felters and above, priced at $165.
Click here for an overview of the Horse Course.

Dragon Eweniversity Course
We hope you will enjoy our first Felting Eweniversity On Demand Course
for the Sarafina Annex!
Dragon: 24" Wet and Needle Felted
"I am not a dragon person," I insisted. I am now! Dragons are a bountiful basket of fiber art opportunity combined with armature and felting technique propulsion. From detailed talons to the freedom of characteristics and color choices, you will find this project liberating, creative, and informative. We will explore the project step by step, in detail, through six prerecorded lessons. I have six dragons under my belt now and bring everything I have learned (along with the input of 30 previous course participants) to you along with custom reference material. This is a Level 3 and above course, priced at $115.
Click here for an overview of the Dragon Eweniversity Course.
Felting Eweniversity Tutorials
Below are links to Felting Eweniversity Tutorials of days gone by. Priced at $42.
You can find project overviews as well as supply lists and the link to purchase it on the Sarafina Annex.
![]() Wolf Felting Eweniveristy
![]() Lion Felting Eweniversity
![]() Reindeer Felting Eweniversity
![]() Santa Felting Eweniversity
![]() Bear Felting Eweniversity
![]() Owl Felting Eweniversity
Philosophy of Felting Doctorate Tutorial
Click the link below for a supply list and tutorial access options.

Felting Levels
Below is our scale of skills and abilities to guide you as you decide if you are ready for the Eweniversity and PhFD tutorials.

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Please email Ruzuku at support@ruzuku.com