Elephant Philosophy of Felting Doctorate

The Elephant is the first in our newest level of needle felting tutorials, the PhFD. When you are a Philosophy of Felting Doctorate student you have extensive knowledge and experience with making armatures, basic wrapping and shape construction techniques, and color blending. In this tutorial Sara will teach a more complex armature that incorporates ears and a wired jaw, a tail, a trunk, tusks, along with many other techniques to allow you to sculpt this unique and unusual animal.

Click here for Elephant PHFD Digital Access on the Annex

Click here to see the introduction and overview for the Elephant Tutorial

Click here to purchase the Elephant Tutorial on SD Card (for those with poor internet, generally we recommend the Annex digital course)

Elephant Supply List


12 gauge - cut to 12", 24" and 40"

14 gauge - cut to 18" and 50"

3 - 22 gauge wires

*Wire clarification: 50" 14 g and 40" 12 g are the main body wires.

The hind legs get a 14 g support wire, 18" long.

The front legs get a 12 g support wire, 24" long.

The 12" 12 g wire is for head and neck reinforcement.

8-10 oz (4+ bundles) of Gray Core Wool

Gray Merino Prefelt (Storm)

House Carded Batts:

2 oz Elephant

1 oz Olive Skin Tone

1 oz Glow Skin Tone

Blush top coat

Walnut top coat

Black core

Coarse locks for tail (Icelandic or karakul)