BFFs (Best Felting Friends): Polly and Sue
From Polly -
Sara, there are so many ways I could tell you how much I have enjoyed you and your felting family. One of the best things that have come of it is that Sue B. and I have become felting buddies. She lives near where I used to and we have so much in common and know the same places. We've both lost a son. Everyday, we have our own felt along, even though we live 1100 miles apart. We are on messenger sharing coffee, needle felting and sending pictures back and forth. We are felting soulmates.
You've done an amazing job of bringing the world together not only in the hard times but the good. Thank you so much. I will know a week from tomorrow how much longer I might have. Right now while Sue is making lions, I am making a flapper girl. It's so much fun to have a felting buddy and I hope a lot of others have one, too.

Polly's Pieces
From Sue -
Hello Sara!
I love that you are asking this of your followers. This group is the only reason I keep an account on Facebook. I think every group could learn something from this group of people.
I started felting a few years ago when a friend gave me an opened and partially used kit for helping her move. I started researching and thankfully found my first Sarafina tutorial. I haven't looked back since.
When I was younger in school I loved art class more than anything. In high school I would sometimes ditch other classes to hide out in the Art room. When it came time to decide where to go to college I told my mom that I wanted to go to college for a degree in art. She was emphatically against that. So I did the stupid thing and moved out and in with my then boyfriend. Guess I showed her. HA! Doh! Anyway a lifetime later and through felting I finally feel redemption! I've dabbled in crafts here and there but until I found felting they all left me lacking in pride. With my felting I finally feel like a real artist!
Then there is this community that is the Sarafina group! Wow, talk about empowering and supportive! I have met and continue to meet so many wonderful people through this Facebook group. There are the ones that I chat with on the group posts here and there. There are a few that we have since become friends on our own Facebook pages, and then there is my friend Polly. I know she already sent in her story and I agree with her on all points. We are BFF's (Best Felting Friends) now. There are very few people in life that really touch your life deep down like we have! Thanks for introducing us through Facebook. The culture that you have created in Sarafina land speaks to what an amazing person you are Sara!

I love this wonderful story of connection, and truly hope to see many more delightful pieces from you both for a long time to come. You are a perfect example of the warmth and joy that we find in this rich community that Sara and her cohorts have made for us.
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