Meet the Team at Sarafina
We are so happy that you have found needle felting, and us! Below is a little introduction to each person that contributes to the work done at Sarafina Fiber Art, Inc.

Owner and Chief Creative Officer
Favorite task at work besides eating lunch: Developing new projects and eating dessert
What is your zodiac sign and do you identify with it? Libra and YES!
Snow storm or Thunderstorm? I used to have a lot of anxiety when an electrical storm came, I’m talking my entire life. Recently it shifted instead to a sleepy calm that takes the storm as a sign to get into a nest and relax. I still, however, insist that if I were outside, I would attract lightning.
If you could instantly be very good at something what would it be? Roller dancing
Tell us your favorite Sarafina Memory: So many! Once our musician friends, who created the Sarafina music, came to the shop to play for an evening. Jennifer and Nick both got up and sang with them. I love it when circles come together and you look around, in that moment, and know you are in the right place.
The movie of which you will never tire? Anything love: The Princess Bride, Room With a View, Pride and Prejudice
What is your favorite Sarafina Product? Face Ace
If you came with a warning label what would it say? Sort of want my staff to answer this one
Website Management and Customer service, voice of Milo

Favorite task at work besides eating lunch: Filming (which is way too fun to be called a work task!)
Tell us your favorite Sarafina Memory: Nothing specific--just many memories of laughing so hard I have had tears running down my face.
Chocolates or Gummies: Gummies gummies gummies
Favorite Sarafina Product: Off White Chunky Core beats every felting fiber in the world
City or Country: Country
Mountains or Beach: Both!
What isn’t real but you desperately wish it was? Teleporting. I get motion sick and I would love to travel "the easy way."
If you could instantly be very good at something what would it be? Playing the piano
The movie of which you will never tire? Midnight Madness

Office/Production Manager/BookKeeper, Miss Money Bags, Resident Hugger, Daily Exclaimer of "I Love You"
Favorite task at work besides eating lunch: SPACE PLANNING & ORGANIZING
Tell us your favorite Sarafina Memory - the 5th expansion - when we moved to and started utilizing the lower building - how we all danced and spun in our areas. We were so happy for the extra space. But really, there are so many - when Sara, Kyla and I all got into the biggest box we ever saw. Now that is our regular delivery size. But the Mill and the "ice box" - classic. The wool wind chimes - priceless.
Ideal weather for a nap... 70 degrees, slight breeze, outside on a hammock.
Favorite Sarafina Product: House Carded Landscape Batts
City or Country: Country Mountains or Beach: Mountains
If you came with a warning label what would it say? Sometimes too blunt.
What isn’t real but you desperately wish it was? Vampires. It will always be Vampires.
The movie of which you will never tire? There are too many, which is funny because I don't really like movies. Elf, All of the Harry Potters, Shawshank Redemption, The Princess Bride.
Filming and graphics/photo editing, shipping, waxes, fleece washing. Punny too.

Favorite task at work besides eating lunch: Working on random projects that pop up from group discussions.
Tell us your favorite Sarafina Memory- The team of us renovating and moving into the shop.
What is your zodiac sign and do you identify with it? Is it a Capricorn thing to question the validity of zodiacs classifying people?
If you could request an animal for Sara to make, what would it be? Sleepy sloth
Chocolates or Gummies? Gummies. To the extent where I never buy them.
Ideal weather for a nap... Warm enough to have the windows open while it steadily rains.
What isn’t real but you desperately wish it was? An off/on switch for sleeping.
The movie of which you will never tire? Blade Runner

Fleece acquisitions, washing and dyeing. Brings the energy each day!
Favorite task at work besides eating lunch: Dyeing the curls (so happy to be getting cleaner fleeces so I no longer have to think: is that a turd or dirt?)
Tell us your favorite Sarafina Memory: Laughing with my co-workers as the shuttle was passed around the table.
City or Country? Country with city visits.
Mountains or Beach? Mountains with Beach visits.
Favorite Sarafina Product: Really? Is this even a fair question? I think one of everything is my only answer!
Ideal weather for a nap... 75 degrees F. Sunny with big puffy clouds. On a hammock. Although that would not be a power nap, but more like meditation relaxation.
If you came with a warning label what would it say? TMI - Filter Lacking and Laughter Uncontrolled
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The movie of which you will never tire? Anything by Wes Anderson (esp: Life Aquatic) or Taika Waititi
You have a free round trip ticket and all the $ you need; where do you go? New Zealand
Kit maker, carding (Mistress of Dante!), and packer

Favorite task at work besides eating lunch: Putting kits together. It is my absolute favorite especially when we are about to release a new kit! Ohhh plus fiber fairy prep!
Tell us your favorite Sarafina Memory: hmm laughing so hard that I’ve had to sit on the floor
City or Country? 100% Country girl
Mountains or Beach? I absolutely love both and could not pick just one.
Favorite Sarafina Product: All of it? Haha. Zullitool, Face Ace, all the core…so many things. The Sassy Pony too, of course!
If you could request an animal for Sara to make what would it be? Dolphin
If you came with a warning label what would it say? Contains sass
Chocolates or Gummies? Sour patch watermelon
The movie of which you will never tire? International Velvet

I’m the locks liaison! Wash, dry, weigh and bag - working with Marsha! I am a wax apprentice as well.
Favorite task at work besides eating lunch: I love preparing FABundles! Locks and silks! Those colors!
What is your zodiac sign and do you identify with it? I'm a Virgo. I identify with the organizational super powers of Virgos!
City or Country? Depends on what city. London? YES. LA? No...
Mountains or Beach? Beach every time!
Favorite Sarafina Product: Fiber art bundles, of course! Especially “Bronze” - oh, and landscape batts!
If you could request an animal for Sara to make what would it be? A centaur!
If you came with a warning label what would it say? Do not attempt to engage with subject unless she is fully caffeinated!
You have a free round trip ticket and all the $ you need; where do you go? On a European tour of ancient and mystical sites - from the stone circles of Orkney/Scotland to the Minoan ruins on Crete!
The movie of which you will never tire? Princess Bride