Lion Felting Eweniversity

Click here to purchase Lion Felting Eweniversity Digital Access on the Annex

Click here to see the video introduction to the Lion Series

Click here to purchase the Lion Series on SD card (for those with poor internet, generally we recommend the Annex digital course)

Lion Supply List

We no longer offer the Lion Supply Pack.  As this is a project for more advanced felters, you may have several of the following supplies on hand.  The items that you need to complete the Lion project are:

Armature wires
14 gauge aluminum armature wire, cut to 28" and 31"
1 - 22 gauge black cloth wrapped wire
5 brown pipe cleaners

4 oz Off White Chunky Core
Dark Gray Core
Black Core
Sarafina White
2- 1 oz bundles JenGen Tan
Camel FUR
Irish FUR
Mink FUR

Prefelt for pelt construction
Tan House Carded Prefelt

Horse hair whiskers 

***Please note that some of the fibers in the supply pack have changed due to availability. Sara may mention a color that is not exactly what is in your pack. Overall the colors should be similar to what is being shown in the tutorial.  The suri alpaca mane fiber has been updated to include several colors of our FUR line.